Know And Understand.
Know and understand that all I ever ask of you is to put your faith, put your trust in Me. This is all that I ever commanded of you, that by simple trust and obedience to My word. For there is a great, there is a mighty work that I desire to do through you, there is a work that I desire for you, and in you, but there is a greater work that I desire to flow through you.
My blessing that I put upon you as individuals and upon you as a fellowship, that blessing is to encourage you, that blessing is to minister life into you, but more importantly than that, is that the Blessing which you receive is also for others.
Do not put any limitations on what I can do; cast down all vain imaginations, cast down all doubts, take your eyes away from all circumstances that are arrayed around you, put your faith, put your trust in Me, for I will never fail you, I will never disappoint you. You have had disappointments in your lives, and many times you have said- Lord, where is the Promise? Where is the fulfilment of that word which you have spoken to me?
What happened is that you have taken your eyes off Me, and just as with Peter when he slipped, and when he fell out of My grasp, you have allowed what I have promised you, what I have spoken into your life, to slip away from your grasp because you failed to keep your eyes on Me, but in these last days you have to close your ears off concerning doubts and unbelief, and you are to put your hearts steadfast towards Me.
I say unto you, you can take Me at My word, for My word will never fail, and that is why I just ask, and command of you to put simple faith and trust in My word, for have not I said unto you, to Come unto Me like as a child, and a child just simply takes, and this is why I say unto you to come to Me as a child.
Take My word for your life, put your faith and your trust in Me, do not be swayed by circumstances, do not let your eyes be fixed on anything else, but upon My word and My faithfulness to perform what I desire to do in you, and through you, says the Lord.