Know and understand that all I ever ask of you is to put your faith, put your trust in Me. This is all that I ever commanded of you, that by simple trust and obedience to My word. For there is a great, there is a mighty work that I desire to do through you, there is a work that I desire for you, and in you, but there is a greater work that I desire to flow through you.
My blessing that I put upon you as individuals and upon you as a fellowship, that blessing is to encourage you, that blessing is to minister life into you, but more importantly than that, is that the Blessing which you receive is also for others.
Do not put any limitations on what I can do; cast down all vain imaginations, cast down all doubts, take your eyes away from all circumstances that are arrayed around you, put your faith, put your trust in Me, for I will never fail you, I will never disappoint you. You have had disappointments in your lives, and many times you have said- Lord, where is the Promise? Where is the fulfilment of that word which you have spoken to me? Read More... “Know And Understand.”
I’ve brought you to the place, and I’ve brought you up on a pathway, a pathway that is narrow, and a pathway that will get narrower still; I have brought you upon a highway, the highway of Holiness, and I’m speaking unto you, into your lives, and into your hearts, that you come to that place of understanding, that you come to that place of knowledge, that you come to that place where you obtain the revelation of who you are in my sight.
To the world, you are nobody, but to me, you are precious in my sight, but I’m calling you to walk in the closer and onto a narrower footpath; it will be so narrow that you will only take one step at a time, you will not be able to run but you will be able to walk and know that I walk with you, you’ll be able to know My Presence in a real and living way, in a way that you’ve only ever thought possible for the few, not knowing it’s not for the few but for the multitude.
I have placed My anointing upon your lives, I have placed callings in your lives, which you have never taken up, you have stepped back, you have stepped to the side, you have made excuses, and you tried to give Me reasons for why you never did the things that I called you and anointed you to do, there is an anointing in each and every one of your lives to walk that narrow way, to walk that way of holiness, to walk in a way of sanctification, you have cried out to Me, you have cried out to Me for a move of My Spirit, but how many times have I cried out to you to come closer to Me to stop your own backsliding. Read More... “I’ve Brought You To The Place”
As My people, I have called you out of this world and with My hand, I have drawn you unto Myself, for as My people, this calling that I have placed upon your life is to cause you to come to that place where you will know the presence of the living God in your midst, right in your hearts and lives. The place of My calling is a place where you can walk upon the high places of this earth knowing that you are not, no longer burdened down with the things of this world.
The things of this world will not hold you back, and the things of your flesh will no longer be a hindrance to you, but for this to happen, says the Lord, I am looking for a people whose hearts are saying, “ I am contrite.” Not just saying it but being meaningful in your hearts and lives.
I have said I am looking for him, the man, the woman, who are poor who has a contrite heart who trembles at My Word, for in this person is where I can place My presence. I am desiring with a desire that is burning in My heart to be able to manifest Myself among My people, but there are many lives that will not conform to the will of the Spirit of God who is causing and calling out to bring repentance into hearts and lives. Read More... “As My People.”
O that you would know the deep longing of My heart for a people who would turn to Me and be obedient to the voice of the Spirit of God. O that I would have a people who would lay all down before My feet in total surrender of My will.
O for a people who would trust and obey and put their life down before My feet. O for a people who would know their God, My longing is for a people who would trust fully in Me, Who would have no confidence in the flesh, who would not trust in the arm of the flesh, but Would put their trust in the Spirit of My grace.
I long for a people who would know their God, who would come to that place of surrender, who would surrender their all, who would lay their all before Me, for in that people is where I can do My work. It’s through a people who would have no confidence in themselves but would know that their confidence is in the Lord God whom they serve.
I do not call for a heart that is cold and indifferent; I am calling for a heart that is open to the Spirit Of God to move and to touch you, who would not just touch you but who would envelop you with My Spirit. Read More... “O That You Would Know.”