Note: This article is based on a real church recording. Where possible, it uses the original audio, and has been carefully transcribed by hand to preserve authenticity.

For I have said many times unto you that I’m reaching out to you, reaching out into your hearts and reaching into your lives, many times I’ve spoken unto you and said I’m drawing you and calling you to come closer into Me, for I know the plans and I know the purposes that I have for your lives, and those plans and those purposes I have ordained and I have spoken them out into your hearts and your lives but I’m looking and continually seeking unto hearts and lives that will thirst after My Spirit, that will have a desire once again for My Word, My Word! My Word of power and My Word that will change the lives of those around you.

There have been very few that have walked in the anointing that I have placed upon their lives and have purposed for their lives, very few, yet My call has gone out to many. My call has gone out for many to walk in that anointing and walk in that ministry that I have placed upon the hearts and lives of My people, but only a few have ever ran the race; there have been many that have been washed up, there have been many that have gone to the side, there have been many that have gone to the place where they thought that’s as far as I’m going, but they did not realise what they thought was far was far away from where I purposed for their lives.

I have purposed many things for your lives, I have purposed many things for this place, and they have never been done; they have been left undone, but My purposes are still alive. What I’m looking for is a people who will say, “Lord, I want to go as far as you desire me to go,” for have I not said unto you that I desire to bring you to a place where you will walk in the pathway of My Glory BUT for you to walk in the pathway of My Glory you must cast off anything of your flesh that will be a hindrance to the working and the purposes of My Spirit in your hearts and lives.

I am speaking unto you to cause you to come to that place where you say, “Lord, Your purposes must be done in My life, Your will, Father God, must be accomplished in My heart, I desire to run the race, I desire to cross the line, I never ever want to fall short of what You planned and purposed for my life”  If you have the heart to run the race, if you have the heart to cross the line My joy shall be full in your hearts and lives, If you have a heart’s desire to run that race, to climb that mountain, to cross that line the reward that is set before you is My presence.