Note: This article is based on a real church recording. Where possible, it uses the original audio, and has been carefully transcribed by hand to preserve authenticity.

For I will say unto you this night that I’ve brought you from out of the world, and I have brought you right into the very heart of Myself, I would have you to know this night that you are My people and that you are loved with My everlasting love.

There are many things in this world that would try to take you, cause you to be distracted, cause you to be drawn away from My care and My presence, but I say unto you this night that I hold you in the palm of My hand, I am your rear guard, and I am the one that is leading you on. I am to be your all-sufficiency. I am to be all that you would ever stand or need in your life.

I have redeemed you, I have brought you out from this world, and I have brought you right into My very gaze; I have a love for you that you have failed to comprehend, and you will always fail to comprehend it because My love for you surpasses anything that your human mind would try to grasp the knowledge of, but you are to know this, that you are loved with an everlasting love, and I have placed My hand upon your life, and I have placed My Name into your heart, and I declare unto you tonight you are Mine.

You are not for this world, you are not for the adversary of your soul, you are Mine, and I declare over your lives tonight that everything you will ever stand in need of My hand as already provided it for you, and all I ask is for you to come and take hold of everything that I’ve laid before you, and everything that My Son has purchased with His blood, you are a blood-bought people, and I declare unto you tonight that you are a loved people.

You need to know that My hand of covering is upon your life, and I am to be who you need in your life, the total sufficiency for you, I am the Lord, and I change not; I am the Lord, and I’ve brought you out from this world, and I’ve brought you right into My very core of My being, right into the very place of My heart so that you would know that you are loved, loved for eternity, says the Lord.